Wednesday, December 19, 2012

I like the landscape one because it was painted with oil pastels and its a landscape piece. I also really like it because it kind of reminds me of Vermont because it's so green and the big mountains. 

I like this one because it's spiral and i really like spiral looking things and theres 2 spirals that come together and it just looks pretty cool. 

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

I like this landscape painting because it was painted on Canvas and it looks Fall and fall is my favorite season.

I like this picture because its really good abstract with alot of colors and looks like some kind of cat.

Monday, December 3, 2012

I like this print because you can see the ripples in the waves and how you can tell that there birds.

I like this one because of the big ears on the dog and how it looks like the dogs nose is wet so it looks really good and realistic.  
 I like this bowl because of the way the colors mix and makes it look it sprirals together and mixes them and how its not the shape of the normal bowl.

I like this bowl because of the color of blue it is and how it looks like there is three different bowls inside of one big bowl and how its not circular  and it looks like its kind of splatteded at the bottom.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

I think this is a winner because of the details in the feathers and the reflection in the water of the ducks and the surrounding tree's and mountains.

Friday, November 2, 2012

I like this art piece because it looks evil and it looks like its trying to runaway from something, or like its running afte something.
 I like this one because of the flowers on its head and in its hand. And it looks really peaceful and looks like its from Heaven or something.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Purple Artwork

Purple Flowers- I like the purple flowers because, there purple, and it has shading so it makes it really realistic, with the blues and the white.

Purple Sunset- I like the purple sunset because the clouds are blue and purple, and it looks like the clouds are reflecting off the water, so the water is purple too. And i like how the sun's rays are coming through the clouds.

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

This painting is painted by Williams Everly. The rreason why i like this is because of her big blue eyes, and her light pink little dress. This painting is be sold for over $40,000 today.
This realistic Portrait Painting is painted by Marta Dahlig. The reason why i like this paintingbecause it looks really realistic and i live the way she painted her eyes red/orage colore.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

This painting is done by vicky Bradly Mitchell. I like it because of the swist it has and all the colors in it and it almost looks like its moving if you look at it a certain way.
This painting is called "One like to link them all" by Geoff later. I liked this piece of art because of all the shapes and colors that it has in it. And i like flowers and that's what it looks like.